Last year the Consumer Product Safety Commission issued a statement to U.S. manufacturers and importers of mircomobility products such as self-balancing scooters, e-bicycles, other personal e-mobility products, and lithium-ion battery packs to thoroughly validate their products by accredited testing firms and ensure compliance to published safety standards. New York City echoed this call in March this year and passed a new law and launched supporting programs requiring mircomobility products be compliant with these safety standards and clearly marked to provide more transparency and consumer awareness of these regulations to facilitate enforcement of these safety measures against potential fires and other thermal issues surrounding these products in recent years.

In response, ACT lab immediately implemented measures to further assist our customers throughout our global laboratory network by expediting the expansion of our micromobility service offerings and launching an online directory and supporting product marking campaign.
The new e-Validate directory provides instantaneous recognition and confirmation that products listed are compliant with these important safety standards, and the markings provide reassurance to consumers and regulatory agencies about the reliability and safety of these devices, while providing suppliers the necessary tools to showcase the valuable oversight they have performed on their products to increase consumer confidence and safety.

ACT Lab mission to be a globally trusted leader in consumer product testing for an active world has never been more evident than through the actions we have implemented to help ensure our customers continue to deliver quality products with minimal disruption in their supply chains and facilitate safe market access for these new technologies worldwide. We look forward to continuing to serve and provide these industries with the expertise and support they require.


John Bogler, President
ACT Lab.