Testování výrobků

As an ISO/IEC 17025 accredited laboratory, ACT Lab provides a variety of testing services across all industries. Our specialties include the mechanical and chemical testing of helmets, bicycles, scooters, e-mobility products, sporting goods, toys, and more.

Products We Test

Click on the bullets below to learn more:

The importance of safety tests is growing in all segments of the bicycle market worldwide. ACT’s strong foundation in the bicycle industry has allowed us to provide superior service within all aspects of the bicycle supply chain. Whether individual components or complete bicycles, our team of engineers and compliance experts will work with you to assure your testing meets the necessary standards, and help you develop and analyze results for future product improvement.

Testovací služby

  • EN 15194 – Cycles – Electrically Power Assisted Cycles – EPAC Bicycles
  • CPSC 16 CFR 1512 – Requirements for Bicycles
  • ISO 4210:2015 – Cycles – Safety Requirements for Bicycles
  • ISO 8098 – Cycles – Safety Requirements for Bicycles for Young Children
  • EN 14764 Městská a trekingová jízdní kola
  • EN 14765 Jízdní kola pro malé děti
  • EN 14766 Horská kola
  • EN 14781 Závodní jízdní kola
  • EN 16054 Jízdní kola BMX
  • AS/NZS 1927 – Pedal Bicycles – Safety Requirements
  • ABNT NBR – Brazilian Standards for Two-Wheeled Vehicles – Bicycles
  • ANSI Z315.1 – Tricycles – Safety Requirements
  • GB 3565:2005 Bezpečnostní požadavky na jízdní kola
  • GB 14746:2006 Bezpečnostní požadavky na jízdní kola pro malé děti

As the popularity of e-transportation and electric ridesharing grows, so do global e-bike safety regulations. ACT Lab can guide you through the ever-changing e-bike compliance process so you can deliver the safest products to market. Our team of experts is deeply involved in the development of global e-bike safety standards, giving us specialized industry insight. We go beyond testing with informed guidance through product evaluation, research and development projects, and quality control services.

Testovací služby

  • EN 15194 – Cycles – Electrically Power Assisted Cycles – EPAC Bicycles
  • UL 2849 Standard for Electrical Systems for eBikes
  • Charger & battery testing
  • Class verification testing
  • Performance evaluation
  • Chemical testing
  • Durability testing
  • Customized research and development projects

With the increased use of scooters, powered scooters, and similar wheeled products by both children and adults, international safety standards have evolved significantly. Whether for recreational use or transportation, these products require specialized testing.

Testovací služby

  • Norma ASTM F 2264 Koloběžky bez motoru
  • Norma ASTM F 2641 Motorové koloběžky / kapesní kola
  • Norma ASTM F 2642 Bezpečnostní pokyny a specifikace pro označování rekreačních koloběžek a kapesních kol
  • EN 14619 Kolečkové sportovní koloběžky/Kick Scooters
  • EN 62115 Pouze elektrické (skútr)

Očekává se, že velikost globálního trhu s elektromobilitou dosáhne do roku 2025 hodnoty 478,9 miliardy dolarů, což představuje nárůst trhu o 24,7 USD oproti roku 2019. Ve světě shody a testování vede rostoucí velikost trhu k nárůstu globálních norem a předpisů. Společnost ACT Lab se intenzivně podílí na vývoji standardů e-mobility, což nám poskytuje specializovaný přehled o odvětví. Naše služby testování produktů e-mobility zahrnují e-kola, e-koloběžky, produkty e-rideshare, e-brusle, e-skateboardy, hoverboardy a další.

ACT Lab provides testing, inspection, compliance, and certification for a variety of helmet types. Whether for use in sports, outdoor activities, or transportation, our experts can provide guidance and expertise in the evaluation of přilby in compliance with international standards such as DOT, CPSC, ASTM, EN, and more. With state-of-the-art equipment and seasoned industry experts, helmet manufacturers and distributors can be confident that their helmets are held to the highest standard in quality and safety.

Testovací služby

  • DOT FMVSS No. 218 –Motorcycle Helmets
  • ECE 22.05 Protective Helmets for Driver and Passengers of Motor Cycles and Mopeds
  • CPSC 16 CFR Part 1203 Bezpečnostní norma pro cyklistické přilby
  • EN 1077 – Helmets for Alpine Skiers and Snowboarders
  • EN 1078 – Helmets for Pedal Cyclists and for Users of Skateboards and Roller Skates
  • ASTM F1163 – Protective Headgear Used in Horse Sports and Horseback Riding
  • ASTM F1447 – Helmets Used in Recreational Bicycling or Roller Skating
  • ASTM F1492 – Helmets Used in Skateboarding and Trick Roller Skating
  • ASTM F1849 – Helmets Used in Short Track Speed Ice Skating (Not to Include Hockey)
  • ASTM F1952 – Helmets Used for Downhill Mountain Bicycle Racing
  • ASTM F2032 – Helmets Used for BMX Cycling
  • ASTM F2040 – Helmets Used for Recreational Snow Sports
  • AS/NZS 2063 – Helmets for use on Bicycles and Wheeled Recreational Devices
  • SFI 24.1 – Youth Full Face Helmets
  • SFI 31.1 – Flame Resistant Motorsports Helmets
  • SFI 41.1 – Motorsports Helmets
  • SFI 45.1 & 45.2 Impact Padding
  • A variety of R&D impact projects

Along with our partner lab CTT, ACT Lab’s toy testing programs can help you meet global regulatory compliance and provide you with confidence that your product is safe for children. In addition to testing to common global requirements, our services include certification, quality assurance, customized research and development products, and more.

Testovací služby

  • ISO 8124 – Safety of Toys
  • IEC 62115 – Standard for Electric Toys
  • ASTM F 963 – Standard Specification for Toy Safety
  • ASTM F 2917 – Human Powered Bicycle Trailers
  • ASTM F 1975 – Non-powered Bicycle Trailers for Human Passengers
  • ANSI Z 315.1 – American National Standard for Tricycles
  • Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA)
  • CA Prop 65
  • USP 51 – Antimicrobial Effectiveness Test
  • USP 61 & 62 – Microbiological Examination of Nonsterile Products
  • 16 CFR 1505 – Requirements for Electrically Operated Toys
  • EN 71 – Safety of Toys
  • EN 62115 – Safety of Electric Toys
  • EN 14764 – Bicycles for Young Children
  • EN/ISO 8098 – Bicycles for Young Children
  • GB 14746-2006 – Safety Requirements for Bicycles for Young Children
  • GB 6675 – National Standards for Toys
  • GB 19865 – Safety of Electrical Toys
  • GB 24613 – Limits of Harmful Substances in Coating for Toys
  • GB/T 30400 – Safety and Hygiene Requirements of Filling Materials in Toys
  • GB/T 9832 – Sewed Plush and Cloth Toys
  • CCC Toy Certification

With the ever-changing government regulations and increased demand for high-quality textiles and apparel, thorough product testing is important now more than ever. ACT Lab and our partner lab CTT offer a variety of both mandatory and voluntary textile and apparel testing services to ensure your products meet both national standards and consumer expectations.

Testovací služby

  • Fiber composition tests (qualitative & quantitative analysis)
  • Construction tests (fabric count, weight & thickness)
  • Flammability tests (children’s sleepwear, vinyl plastic film, etc.)
  • Strength & performance tests (tearing strength, pilling & abrasion resistance, etc.)
  • Dimensional stability and appearance after washing tests
  • Colorfastness
  • Garment accessory tests (zippers, children’s clothing drawstrings, sharp points, etc.)
  • Functional tests (water repellency, UV protection, antibacterial properties, oil resistance, etc.)
Pro výkonnost sportovce v zátěžových situacích je zásadní. Leaders in the industry understand it is crucial for sporting goods manufacturers, retailers, suppliers and distributors to strive for the highest standards in quality and safety. Most popular brands comply with local and international regulations to ensure their products performance stays on par with an ever-changing competitive landscape.
The manufacturing of diverse consumer products is growing at an incredible rate. According to Forbes, in 2010, 250,000 products were launched with a failure rate of 85-95%. It is a known fact that a high percentage of these products did not go through proper standard and safety testing necessary to validate the viability of the product. Today we see more than a 10% increase of consumer product manufacturing since 2009. In an effort to address this growing demand, Act has created a flexible testing environment with diverse capabilities. All of our tests are custom designed and led by experienced and proven leaders in their fields.
  • Young girl riding a bicycle

Chemické testování

ACT offers a wide range of chemical testing services to help companies confirm their products meet a variety of safety requirements. Our team of chemical experts provide accurate and reliable testing services to ensure that your products adhere to a variety of standards and regulations and are safe for consumer use and the environment.

Testovací služby

Lead is one of the primary chemicals (heavy metals) monitored worldwide as a banned toxic substance. Paints and substrates, metals, and non-metals on a myriad of products are all measured for concerns over high levels of lead. Children’s products in particular are required to undergo third-party testing through a company like ACT Lab.

Like lead, cadmium and mercury exposure may cause a variety of heath and reproductive issues at toxic levels in the human body. Both metals have been used as lead replacements in manufacturing over the years, but governments have now banned total and soluble concentrations of these heavy metals in order to protect the health of consumers.

In large amounts, heavy metals may become toxic to humans. Chemicals such as antimony, arsenic, barium, badmium, chromium, mercury, selenium, and lead are regulated under a variety of international toy and consumer product safety standards.

Phthalates are chemical plasticizers that are often used to make plastics softer and more pliable. Phthalates are heavily regulated or banned in many products, specifically toys and children’s products. It is the manufacturer’s obligation to ensure that any alternative plasticizer used be adequately tested by a third-party testing laboratory like ACT Lab to ensure that it does not pose a risk of injury under normal use or reasonably foreseeable misuse.

Úřad pro kontrolu potravin a léčiv je zodpovědný za dodržování a ochranu bezpečnosti a zdraví široké veřejnosti ve Spojených státech. Úřad FDA prosazuje normy týkající se potravin, léků, zdravotnických prostředků, kosmetiky, doplňků stravy a tabáku. Výrobce, prodejce nebo distributor je povinen dodržovat předpisy FDA a doporučuje se mu spolupracovat se zkušebnami třetích stran, aby bylo zajištěno, že všechny výrobky splňují minimální normy a předpisy.

Standards & Regulations

States, countries, and regions throughout the world regulate products and consumer safety in different ways. Some regions may require specific products be independently validated by a third-party accredited testing firm, like ACT Lab, while others allow “self validation.“ ACT provides testing for most of the world’s common standards and regulations for a variety of products.

Testovací služby

ASTM International
Formerly known as the American Society for Testing and Materials

Mezinárodní organizace pro normalizaci

Consumer Product Safety Comission

Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration/Department of Transportation

CA Prop 65
Formerly titled the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act

Guobiao Standards: Chinese national standards issued by the Standardization Administration of China (SAC)

China National Standards

European Committee for Standardization

United Nations Economic Comission for Europe

British Standards

Deutsches Institut für Normung: German National Organization for Standardization

Brazilian National Standards Organization

Japanese Standards Association

Japan Toy Association

Standards Australia

Standards New Zealand

  • Safety and Compliance image

Audity a poradenství

Vývoj bezpečných výrobků, které splňují regulační požadavky, může být náročný úkol. Naše rozšířené služby mohou pomoci těm, kteří hledají informace o požadavcích na bezpečnost výrobků, o vývoji výrobků, o zajištění kvality a pomohou jim nastavit plány testování a auditů, které potvrdí, že výrobky si udržují stálou úroveň kvality a minimalizují dlouhodobé náklady spojené s chybami.

Testovací služby

Our services across strategy, engineering, technology, product safety, standards, and operations are differentiated in the market place and have enabled top consumer product companies to successfully achieve their business goals. ACT Lab will help you strategize and formulate new organizational approaches in response to internal and external influences. Portfolio výrobků musí reagovat na sociální trendy, vkus spotřebitelů, ekologickou udržitelnost, rostoucí ekonomiky rozvíjejících se trhů, legislativní tlaky a demografické rozdíly.

Successful R&D management helps to link business strategy with the company’s product portfolio. Zohledňuje dynamiku nových technologií a nové možnosti, které mohou zákazníkům poskytnout. Inovační proces je rovnováhou mezi inženýrskou svobodou a komerční proveditelností.

Quality control is used to ensure a certain level of quality in a product or service and includes the thorough verification of certain characteristics of a product or service. Klade důraz na testování výrobků s cílem odhalit vady a zajistit, aby výrobky byly spolehlivé, vyhovující, bezpečné a ekonomicky správné. Naším cílem je zajistit, aby výrobky a služby splňovaly konkrétní požadavky a vlastnosti stanovené normami a předpisy CPSC.

Our product testing plans can help you produce a product with a lower production cost, improve upon your current products performance, address safety issues within your product, and more. Poskytujeme podporu široké škále podnikatelů a výrobců, kteří se snaží vytvářet lepší produkty a zvyšovat tak svůj prodej.

We provide a wide variety of testing services to ensure that all products comply with CPSC standards and regulations. Před zahájením našich testovacích služeb provádíme důkladnou bezpečnostní kontrolu, abychom klientům poskytli posouzení jejich výrobku nebo služby. We can deliver a detailed audit report with specifications as to which components comply with CPSC standards and which components require improvement. This safety inspection is crucial in delivering a final product to market as it can eliminate future costs in recalls and reduce liabilities associated with their products.
In addition to our general business consulting services, we offer recall guidance to safeguard against past product failures. In addition, we assist manufacturers, importers, retailers and others in the regulated community in understanding their responsibilities and what steps they should take when either the CPSC staff informs them, or they become aware of, a violation of CPSC statutes and regulations.