Depending on the type of apparel your company produces, you may be subject to certain testing and labeling regulations. From flammability testing to care labeling, garment manufacturers need to be aware of a number of different protocols before going to market depending. Furthermore, depending on the intended region of distribution, regulations can vary.

Achieve compliance with market access regulations
through rigorous testing and certification.

At ACT LAB we offer a variety of tests, both mandatory and voluntary, to ensure your garments meet the highest standard before going to market. Our testing procedures can ensure both the safety and quality of your product to give your company and consumers peace-of-mind.

Garment Testing Services

The types of test you wish to perform can vary greatly depending on your intended consumer. For example, if you are creating athletic wear you may wish to test for performance of your garments in particular conditions. For other garments, such as children’s sleepwear, certain tests are mandatory to ensure that the garment is safe. We will expand on this more below. Tests we perform for garments include:

Fiber composition tests (qualitative and quantitative analysis)

Construction tests (fabric count, weight and thckness)

Flammability tests (children’s sleepwear, vinyl plastic film, etc.)

Strength and performance tests (tearing strength, pilling and abrasion resistance, etc.)

Dimensional stability and appearance after washing tests


Garment accessory tests (zippers, children’s clothing drawstrings, sharp points, etc.)

Functional tests (water repellency, UV protection, antibacterial properties, oil resistance, etc.)

Quality Testing and Labeling Requirements

In accordance with the Textile and Wool Acts, all garments sold in the USA must disclose fiber contents. Our tests can help you to perform a comprehensive analysis on your garments to ensure proper labeling in accordance with FTC rules. Other information that must be included on your garment’s labeling includes the country of origin, care instructions, and manufacturer identification. For products to be labeled made in the USA, the FTC specifies that, “all significant parts, processing and labor that go into the product must be of U.S. origin.”

Functional Testing

While not mandatory, some manufacturers may choose to test their products for certain performance features. Garments intended for sports, activewear, laboratory work, construction work, winter, summer, or wet climates may need to undergo certain tests to ensure durability.

We can perform tests to determine if a garment is:

  • Moisture-wicking
  • Waterproof
  • UV-protective
  • Anti-bacterial
  • Oil repellent
  • Chemical proof
  • Tear-proof
  • and more

Children’s Sleepwear

In the United States, children’s sleepwear is required to be flame resistant. This means that the garment must self extinguish if ignited by a flame from a candle, match, or similar item in order to protect the child from burns. These regulations are outlined for different sized children’s garments by the CPSC in  16 CFR Part 1615 and 16 CFR Part 1616.

Other Testing

To ensure the quality of your garments you may be interested in other quality tests such as colorfastness or how your garment holds up after multiple washes. We offer such tests that can ensure the lifespan of your garment and uphold the reputation of your brand.

Request a Product Test

Thank you for your inquiry. To submit a product for testing, please complete the simple form below and an ACT Lab representative will contact you shortly. Fields marked with an “*” are required.

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