ACT Lab Product Certification Directory

At ACT Lab, we certify components and finished products for both consumer and commercial products. These include batteries for use in LEVs and electrical systems for eBikes and personal E-mobility Devices. Explore this directory using any of the fields below to find comprehensive details on valid certifications.

Notification: If you do not find the specific certification you’re looking for, we recommend narrowing your search by adding more detailed criteria. For any further assistance or questions regarding certification retrieval, feel free to contact us directly with your inquiry.


Company Product CategoryFile Number Model Standard(s)Certificate
Client ABattery for use in LEVs1894.05176.001YT48132-QB-EANSI/CAN/UL/ULC 2271 (2023)Standard For Batteries For Use In Light Electric Vehicle (LEV) ApplicationsLink
Client AElectrical Systems for Personal E-mobility Devices1894.05176.001PintANSI/CAN/UL 2272 (2019)Standard for Electrical Systems for Personal E-Mobility DevicesLink
Client ABattery for use in LEVs1894.17493.001YT48132-QB-EANSI/CAN/UL/ULC 2271 (2023)Standard For Batteries For Use In Light Electric Vehicle (LEV) ApplicationsLink
Client AElectrical Systems for Personal E-mobility Devices1894.17493.001PintANSI/CAN/UL 2272 (2019)Standard for Electrical Systems for Personal E-Mobility DevicesLink
Client ABattery for use in LEVs1725.16076.001YT48132-QB-EANSI/CAN/UL/ULC 2271 (2023)Standard For Batteries For Use In Light Electric Vehicle (LEV) ApplicationsLink
Client AElectrical Systems for eBikes1725.16076.001APEX HDANSI/CAN/UL 2849 (2022)Electrical Systems for eBikesLink